Category Archives: Girls

7th Hell

     Reading about Stephen Collins and the molestation charges being thrown at him is making me think about a lot of things. Here we have a case of someone actually admitting to the crime, versus being accused of such.

     It would seem to me that this is pretty clear cut and dry and that something should be done, but Hollywood is a pretty weird business. So far, people want to see something done with this celebrity for having committed heinous act against a child. Yet, it wasn’t so long ago when Hollywood was defending Roman Polanski for the same offense. Many signed a petition, hoping for leniency against the offender. Roman fled the country to avoid prosecution for his crimes and his victim has even said she doesn’t want him charged.

      What if the same were to happen here? Is it ok to allow for a high profile case to again be thwarted by people who would otherwise try to prevent justice from taking course?

      I highly doubt Collins will be given the Polanski treatment. He isn’t a big enough star to have so many people come to his aid. Not to mention, Hollywood has been getting better in dealing with such cases as they come up. Collins has recently been fired from Ted 2 for such.

     Many celebrities have gone to prison, Phil Spector for instance and I expect the same to happen here if they are able to bring a case against him. Yet I suspect that, much like times in the past, this will be completely messed up and botched.

     One major theme I see going around, again, is that this is a man that many have taken at face value for being his character.

     They are called characters for a reason, folks. The resulting problem of such is proving that after years and years of advancement, we’re still stuck in the past and rehashing the same tired arguments about such and having the same conversations. Did he, didn’t he and what of it?

     I can understand that we as a nation have been known to jump the gun when it comes to child molestation and rape, in an attempt to make up for oversights of old, but realistically, isn’t it better to be scrupulous in our effort to uncover the truth about the individuals before we go on a witch hunt?

     This isn’t one of those cases. So far, the stories alleged that a task force has been dispatched to investigate, yet it seems like we could be doing more?

     I don’t think it’s hyperbole to recall the Michael Jackson cases, were it seemed as if he was guilty before he was even arrested and tried.

     With diligence, justice will win out and be served. When it is, we might just have to thank the patron saint of Justice himself, Batman, for forgiveness in not seeming so lax in our ire at this specific individual.