Fun with AI Vol 2

So I’m on record stating that AI isn’t anything to worry about. A few months back I asked it to make certain things with the idea behind the experiment being that, in order for AI to be a threat, it at minimum has to be able to understand complexities. Wrestling is a good example of complexities, because it has to give you a gimmick, make you look like you’re on vitamins and make the visuals seem real. It failed on all those accounts. So it turns out Meta lets you create AI images. Naturally I took it on myself to try again. How crazy could I get?

So Batman has a new looks

Batman has a new look. He’s The Ramones meets Batman and so is Batgirl and Nightwing.

Mr J got him a new set of threads as well as some of the other rouge’s gallery

If this was a movie, it would get weirder because Kal Al isn’t a superhero anymore, he’s retired and peaceful.

Hippie Superman

It only gets worse from here. You see, Harley Quinn is also retired and has a kid with Mr J or so she thinks

As if that couldn’t be any weirder, it turns out Batman got a new car too

Bat to the future

And well, it ain’t Batman’s year. Cause he also found the necromonicon

Which causes Mr J to become a cyborg . Since Batman is fucked he finds a certain someone for help

That’s right, Freddy fuckin Kruger!

But cyborg joker and freddy team up

Well, Batman is fucked, but he’s Batman, so he meets up with Bob Kane for some dues ex machina and wins

Well in between all of this Batman has some mini bosses

A giant fuckin carebear

Sherlock my dear Bruce Wayne

Random action sequences and other worthless things Hollywood wouldn’t tie up but looks good in the trailer to bilk you outta money like

Cameos by other DC characters

As if that isn’t bad enough it turns out that Batman is really the jokers sons baby daddy

There’s this really cool still we took before principal photography but never put it in the final flick

Cool still is cool

Then like Bruce Wayne’s parents are like alive and shit

So anyway, commish Gordon is dead or some stupid fuckin set up for the sequel and like Ra’s Al ghul is now in charge of the police with scarecrow being a detective or some shit, idk

Batman kills joker and cremates him with Alfred

And then it turns out that it was Batman’s son entertaining his mommy and daddy with action figures and other dumb stuff

The credits hit and like an hour later we get a random post credit sequence that makes no sense but they swear it’s well thought out.

Plus a random picture of a “plus size” Barbara Gordon.

And that’s the end of that. Think the AI is further proving my point, but I got a neater idea of what it could do in the future. So tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

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